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Patch Notes: Version: NW.85.20170808a.7

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 23 Aug 2017 17:28:55 PDT

Release Notes

Content and Environment

Intro Quests

  • A couple cutscenes have been tweaked so they more consistently load assets before they display.

Soshenstar River

  • Spli-ti now splits in a completely different way from before, and hopefully really no longer breaks.
  • Spli-ti should now more consistently give rewards if someone outside the summoner's party helps with the kill.


  • Red Ice: Makos no longer hides in a stack of logs toward the beginning.


Combat and Powers


  • Raptor Companion: This companion now has stats comparable to other battle companions, instead of the stats of an augment companion.


  • "Splat" effects (warning circles) for the stalactites in the Lostmauth encounter, as well as various other encounters, now work like they did prior to the release of Tomb of Annihilation.


Items and Economy


  • Fishing should no longer mysteriously fail about 1/6 of the time.
  • It is no longer possible to obtain Rotting Ogre's Femur or Bigclaw Pincer from fishing if you already possess one.


User Interface


  • For SteelSeries keyboard and mouse lighting, if the Artifact or a Daily Power is bound to something other than a keyboard key, the mouse will flash instead.  This should prevent the key from continuing to flash after the function has been rebound.

Sword Coast Chronicle

  • Benign Order of the Third Eye: This campaign is once again properly visible once the player is level 70.
  • Storm King's Thunder: This campaign now properly shows 100% completion after applying a campaign completion token.
    • This fix should also work for players who had already applied that token prior to this patch.
  • Storm King's Thunder: The fourth repeatable task is no longer infinitely repeatable for no reward.
  • Storm King's Thunder: The first three repeatable tasks are no longer infinitely repeatable for players who have applied a campaign completion token.

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