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20% off Strongholds & Guild Marks!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 15 июл 2021 07:25:00

It's that time to speed up the growth of your stronghold! This weekend, the Strongholds category in the Zen Market will be 20% off in order for you to make the most out of your time spent in your stronghold home.

In addition, for the next week the vendors in your Stronghold are cutting you a deal with 20% off any item that costs Guild Marks to purchase! Pick up some grub from the Barmaid, explore an Explorer’s Case from the Generalist, add some enchantments from the Gemmonger, or add to your gear with the Outfitter’s wares!

20% off Strongholds starts Thursday, July 15 at 7:30am PT (16:30 CEST)

20% off Strongholds ends Monday, July 19 at 7:30am PT (16:30 CEST)


20% off Guild Mark Vendors starts Thursday, July 15 at 7:30am PT (16:30 CEST)

20% off Guild Mark Vendors ends Thursday, July 22 at 7:30am PT (16:30 CEST)

A popular item that will be on sale during the Stronghold category sale is the Stronghold Starter Pack, which contains many a helpful item to strengthen your stronghold.

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