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15% off Refinement & 20% off Services!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 29 авг 2019 07:00:00

It’s a fine time to refine! In addition to 2x Refining Stones and Bonus RP, all items in the Refinement category of the Zen Market will be 15% off!

For adventurers looking to add new character slots, stock up on glory boosters, and much more the Services category will be discounted 20%!

Refinement and Services Sale begins Thursday, August 29 at 10am PDT

Refinement and Services Sale ends Tuesday, September 3 at 10am PDT

Items in the Refinement Category include:

  • Coalescent Wards
  • Preservation Wards x10
  • Refinement Pack

*NOTE: Refinement Pack is not affected by the 2x Refining Stones event.

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