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2x Seals & Companion discounts!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 15 мар 2018 07:00:00

Looking for a new companion to join you on your adventures? You’re in luck! All companions are 20% off this weekend except the Leprechaun who is 33% off!

In addition, all seals will be received at double the rate during this time!

2x Seals and Companion sale starts Thursday, March 15 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

2x Seals and Companion sale ends Monday, March 19 at 7:30am PT

Leprechauns are tiny masters of illusion that like to play tricks on unsuspecting visitors to their lands. They will usually decide to accompany adventurers out of amusement, or to fulfill some piece of an elaborate prank that they’re brewing.

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Дополнение Neverwinter: «Приключения в Диком космосе» уже доступно — а значит, настало время праздновать! А что может быть лучше, чем множество событий?
Искатели приключений, тут вы можете ознакомиться с последними изменениями в Neverwinter.
Добро пожаловать в «Приключения в Диком космосе»!

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