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2x AD & 15% off VIP!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 13 apr 2017 11:41:03 PDT

As requested by many, this weekend we are offering Double Astral Diamonds on Xbox One and PS4! This is prime time to hoard rough AD from Dungeons, Skirmishes, and other activities that grant you AD!

Looking to rank up or extend your membership? Also on Console, VIP will be 15% off! VIP rank and time are both account wide, so buying one pack will unlock the benefits for all characters.

2x AD & 15% off VIP starts Thursday, April 13 at 10am PT.

2x AD & 15% off VIP ends Monday, April 17 at 10am PT.

Check out detailed information on the VIP program here.

nw-xbox, nw-playstation,

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