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All New Skills, plus Demon/Sage Skills!

Von SweetNSour | Di 03 Mär 2015 14:04:43 PST


Hey all,


It's been awhile, but we finally have a list of the all new skills, along with some demon/sage skills for the Duskblade and Stormbringer! Below you will find a list, along with skill descriptions and some cool screenshots!


New Skills

  • Night Howler: Let loose a deafening howl, increasing speed of all allies within 12 meters by 100% and reduce damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds.

  • Umbral Stalker: Cloak yourself in shadows, hiding you from attacks for 10 seconds. While active, you cannot take damage or be targeted by anyone, however you can not attack or use skills.

  • Annuler Eclipse: Confuse your foe with sudden darkness, increasing the cooldowns of their next two skills within 30 seconds by 1 minute.
  • Saber's Beads: Increase your critical damage by 50%. Every critical hit will restore 10% of your maximum health and generate 30 Chi. Lasts 20 seconds.

  • Quadrature: Description soon to come*


Sage Skills (Note, these are not all the skills just a preview of some)

  • Night Owl: Strike unseen, dealing base physical damage plus 3846. Increases your speed by 60% for 3 seconds, and increases the damage of your next motionless move within 6 seconds by 35% while transformed. Sage form deals an additional 50% of weapon damage.
  • In Silence Dread: Silence yourself for 5 seconds, increasing your stealth levels by 31 and significanlty increasing your speed. Sage version lasts for 5 seconds.

  • Motionless Move: Quickly slash out with your blade, dealing physical damage plus 2312. Sage version has a 20% chance to generate 30 Chi.


Demon Skills (Note, these are not all the skills just a preview of some)

  • Saber Mastery: Increase all Saber weapon damage by 75%. Demon version increases critical rate by 2%
  • Blinking Moment: Instantly step through the shadows, paralyzing your opponent for 2 seconds. Demon version reduced the cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Motionless Move: Quickly slash out with your blade, dealing physical damage plus 2312. Demon version reduces channel and cast times by .1 seconds.




New Skills

  • Lunar Sacrifice: Reduces your physical and magical defenses by 100% to increase physical and magical defenses of squad members within 15 meters by 500%. Lasts 5 seconds

  • Cloud Cover: Conjure and thick, heavy cloud that clings to a target for 1 minute. Blocks the first attempt to remove the target's positive buffs.

  • Waxing Crescent: Wreathe your Scythe in pure moonlight, increasing the range and area of your skills by 15 meters for 8 seconds.

  • Perigean Tide: Deals base magic damage plus 240% of weapon damage plus 9455 physical damage and reducing the target's metal and water resistance by 100% for 6 seconds.
  • Perilunar Call: Empowers you for 20 seconds, restoring 400 Chi.


Sage/Demon Skills

  • Reaper Form: Transform into a shadowy reaper for 32 seconds. Increases speed by 20% and your physical defense by 300%.  Sage Version Lasts 32 seconds. Demon Version reduces cooldown by 5 seconds.

  • Lunar Blessing: Incoming damage is reduced by 75% and you are immune to negative status effects, but you cannot receive any other healing. Fully restore your health and makes you invincible for 4 seconds. Sage version increases damage reduction by 90%. Demon Version makes you invincible for 4 seconds.

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