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Rescheduled Events & Upcoming Compensation

Von Anole | Fr 06 Jan 2023 13:01:15 PST


We know recent unexpected issues and emergency maintenance made the end of the year a bit turbulent. We rescheduled events to make sure they can be enjoyed. Please see below for more details.  In addition, we will be offering some compensation and a bonus event soon, so keep an eye out for them!


************** Xmas Celebration Events **************

 Event Starts: Now!
Event Ends: January 8, 24:00 Server Time

 Santa is here with gifts for everyone, but it seems something is troubling him. Go check in with him and offer your help!

Event Location: Adventure Kingdom

Requirement: LV80

Event 1 – Warmhearted Aid

                This daily quest can be taken from Santa in Adventure Kingdom at the castle (312,532).


Event 2 – Guardian of Gifts

Once Warmhearted Aid is completed, you will win a 12-hour limited item “Xmas Monster Slayer Order”. Bring this item to Santa to obtain the “Monster Slayer: Snowlord” quest. Gather in a group of 6, and the team leader can talk to Santa to enter “Frozen Cavern” and try to slay Snowlord! Once completed, you’ll win an Xmas Monster Slayer Pack and Roster: Jingling Barbell title token. Collect 3 of these tokens to exchange for the colored title “Jingle Barbell” (expires in 6 months).


Event 3 – Float Parade

A parading float will randomly generate Christmas Gift Box. You can take the daily quest “Xmas Gift” from these Christmas Gift boxes and complete the quest to win an Xmas Parade Pack.



************** Frigid Bay Event **************

 Event Starts: January 9, 2023
Event Ends: January 11, 2023

Occurs @13:00, 18:00, 20:00 server time – each session will last 15 minutes


Event Location: Frigid Bay (440,200)

Requirement: LV80

The Penguin Garden is open again! Things get incredibly busy during the holidays and Santa needs everyone’s help packing gifts! At the end of the event, Toto’s Bronze Chest, Toto’s Silver Chest, or Toto’s Gold chest will be opened according to the number of boxes players have transported.


Neueste Beiträge Mehr

Wir freuen uns sehr, bekannt geben zu können, dass Perfect World Entertainment jetzt Gearbox Publishing heißt!
Alles, was du über die Alpha-Version unserer neuen App für deine Spiele wissen musst!
Ab jetzt und bis zum 6. Juli um 18:00 Uhr MESZ könnt ihr auf der Arc-Plattform Bonuswährung für ausgewählte Spiele von Perfect World freischalten!

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