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Trinity Spend Reward

Von Shalenak | Mi 05 Dez 2018 10:00:00 PST

We’re bringing together War Avatars, Dragon Orbs and Chance Packs into this special promo!



Start : 12/5/2018 @ 10:00 AM PT

End : 12/12/2018 @ 11:59 PM PT



The Trinity Spend Reward

Spend Gold at the Boutique and earn rewards.  It’s that simple!  

This time, we're doing something a little special; redeem limits will be reset for all characters at specific times throughout this promotion.  That means that you'll be able to keep earning rewards after each reset even if you hit the redeem limit! That also means that any Gold spend progress you've made will be cleared with each reset, so watch out!

Redeem limits will be reset at the following times:  

  • Redeem Limit Reset 1:  12/7/2018 @ 11:59 PM PT
  • Redeem Limit Reset 2:  12/10/2018 @ 11:59 PM PT
  • Please note that any Gold spend progress will also be reset during these times. 




Gold Spend Requirement

Limit Per Character Per Reset



Gold Spend Requirement

Limit Per Character Per Reset


Dragon Orb Pack x10

Machinist's Oil x10

War Avatar Pack S x10

30 Gold



Dragon Orb Flame x1

Machinist's Oil x30

War Avatar Chest: A x1

300 Gold



Reward Distribution

  • Spend reward Tier 1 can be earned 10 times per character per limit reset.
  • Spend reward Tier 2 can be earned once per character per limit reset.
  • All items will be acquired through the in-game mail system.
  • All items acquired will be bound.
  • Items will be sent to the character that made the purchase.
  • Please make sure you have enough room in your in-game mailbox to properly receive your rewards!


We hope you enjoy this Spend Promo and thank you for playing PWI! 



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