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CORE Comraderie Event

Von CrabClaw | Mi 22 Sep 2010 18:17:50 PDT


With the launch of our brand new CORE Connect system, everyone can now enjoy everything from new guild pages to the robust achievement system.  But what good is showing off everything you’ve attained if you don’t have the Core friends to see it?


For the next two weeks, we will be holding our fist ever Core Connect event!  Fifty dollars worth of ZEN (5,000 Zen total) is up for grabs, and the way to get it is quite simple – have the most friends on Core Connect!

Use this opportunity to friend everyone you can – people in your guild, people you’ve helped through tough dungeons in the past, people you’ve met in passing, and people you don’t even know (but are probably really cool!)


On October 6th, the Core Connect user with the most friends will win the 5,000 ZEN prize!  So get out there and make some friends, everyone!

Free MMORPG - Forsaken World

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Wir freuen uns sehr, bekannt geben zu können, dass Perfect World Entertainment jetzt Gearbox Publishing heißt!
Alles, was du über die Alpha-Version unserer neuen App für deine Spiele wissen musst!
Ab jetzt und bis zum 6. Juli um 18:00 Uhr MESZ könnt ihr auf der Arc-Plattform Bonuswährung für ausgewählte Spiele von Perfect World freischalten!

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