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2x Refinement Points & 2x Seals

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Ср 27 сен 2017 07:00:00

It's a final time to refine with the last 2x RP event for PC! This weekend, receive double the amount of Refinement Points you would normally receive when refining items in Neverwinter.

In addition, we’re holding a 2x Seals weekend where all Seals will be received at double the rate! Whether you're looking to finally get the elusive stronghold gear or mayhap a few extra enchantments, this weekend is sure to aid you in your continued journey in Neverwinter.

2x RP & 2x Seals starts Thursday, September 28 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

2x RP & 2x Seals ends Monday, October 2 at 7:30am PT

For more detailed information on the final 2xRP event, visit our forum post on the topic!

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