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Free MMORPG - Perfect World International - PWI - Monster Siege Event

Von frankieraye | Mi 24 Feb 2010 12:21:02 PST

This event will occur on Friday, February 26th at 11AM Pacific (2PM Eastern) on Raging Tide server, and at 3PM Pacific on Heaven's Tear server.

*Raging Tide and Heaven's Tear servers only!*

Monsters are assembling in three locations in the world, and our warriors must strike quickly before their forces become too powerful.

The assembling monsters will be situated in different areas depending on their strength, and we will need corresponding-strength players to attack at these locations:


On Raging Tide:

Rally Point LOW: Players below level 40.

Rally Point MID: Players level 40-70.

Rally Point HIGH: Players above level 70.

On Heaven's Tear:

Rally Point LOW: Players below level 50.

Rally Point MID: Players level 51-80.

Rally Point HIGH: Players above level 80.



At the specified time of the event, there will be a GM World Broadcast stating the coordinates of each of these rally points.

Those who take part in the event should travel to the corresponding location for their level--failure to heed this warning will severely reduce your chances of either survival or of attaining good drops and EXP.

We wish you luck, and we hope to see you there!

Please note that a character's death will still incur the standard percentage loss of experience.

Free MMORPG - Perfect World International (PWI)

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