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Free MMORPG - Perfect World International - PWI - Video Spotlight 4

Von frankieraye | Di 31 Aug 2010 19:41:13 PDT



Calling all visionaries and expert Frapsers!

We've started up a new creative series here on the PWI Website-- The PWI Video Spotlight!

Every few weeks we will grab an entertaining, player-created PWI-related video off of YouTube and show it off here for all to see!


For our fourth spotlight, we're showing off one of the most impressive Perfect World videos we've ever seen-- a music video made some time ago using lots of special effects and some pro-level editing.

So sit back and enjoy:


Noratu - Perfect World Eutopia MTV



So way to go, Noratu, and for all of you aspiring directors out there, feel free to upload your PWI videos onto YouTube, and shoot us an email at  pwi-events@perfectworldinc.com. We'll keep an eye out for the good ones, and continue spotlighting them over the coming months.


Free MMORPG - Perfect World International (PWI)

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